
Weight Loss - The Dukan diet cuisine is largely based on natural proteins. Technically, apart from protein, there is no natural food pure protein. You are therefore required a combination of nutrients which, together, as close as possible to select the required pure proteins. These include some types of meat, fish, seafood, poultry, and nonfat dairy products.

Dukan Diet Stages

There are 4 levels Dukan diet that largely dictate your Dukan diet menu plan.

Attack Stage
At this stage you meat (beef), poultry (without skin), ham, fish, seafood, nonfat dairy products, tea, coffee and water.

Cruise Stage
All vegetables can be consumed every second day, the existing high-protein and fatty foods. But be careful to avoid these vegetables - potatoes, green beans, corn, peas, avocados and lentils in your diet Dukan.

Consolidation phase
Now, slowly Dukan diet plan in your menu, introduce other food groups again. For example, bread, rice, noodles, vegetable oils and butter to be involved.

Stabilization Stage
You can get food at this point in your normal routine. This is apart from protein only once a week day. The oat bran has to be continued.

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