
Long feud was over. Steven Tyler, lead singer of Aerosmith, admitted there was no dispute with Joe Perry. Tyler admitted he had been reconciled with Perry.

"Good news for all AeroFreaks. Me and Joe have been reconciled. We are also ready to re-shake the world of rock, in the near future, "Tyler said in a statement, on Twitter.

Disputes between them getting hot, when Tyler decided to become one of the judges on American Idol with Randy Jackson and Jennifer Lopez. Perry calls, Tyler was "wrong way".

Perry also criticized Tyler the recognition, calling himself had offered to join the legendary group, Led Zeppelin, by guitarist Jimmy Page, to replace Robert Plant.

On Twitter, Tyler also mentioned, he was with Pery and Aerosmith is ready to release new album next summer.

Tyler admitted began working on material together with other colleagues, even without Perry. With Perry to join, can certainly be good news for fans of Aerosmith.

All Aerosmith get a platinum album and best-selling title. They are still referred to as "the best-selling American rock band. Total has sold more than 150 million copies. In 2001 their names were included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


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