
Recently Jang Geun-suk of social action in the campus itself. He had just donated some money to the Hanyang University in secret. The actor was born August 4, 1987 did not want his noble deeds were exposed by the media. This was disclosed by the agency representative Geun-suk, Tree J Company, Wednesday, November 23.

"Jang Geun-suk donate money to the Hanyang University to help develop the talents of the male students," said agency representative. "We want to do it secretly, but in the end caught, too."

Geun-suk is a student majoring in Theatre and Film at Hanyang University. He accounted for 1.2 billion won (about USD 10 billion) to the campus to help students who are gifted but have limited funds to achieve their goals.

In addition, Geun-suk also plans to build "Jang Geun Suk Scholarship Foundation" in the next year. "Jang Geun-suk has a lot to help young children in Korea. He also donated 10 million yen to Japan after the tsunami disaster last," said agency representative.

Geun-suk also donate a portion of the South Korean charity event at the World Cup South Africa 2010 takes place. Donations were given to the Hanyang University Hospital. He also joined the charity project to create an album entitled "Dream, Spread Your Wings".


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