
Good news came from the beautiful actress Selena Gomez. Justin Bieber's girlfriend revealed that she would soon become a big brother.

"My mom and Brian finally allowed me to share this news," said Selena. "My mother was expecting a little brother or sister at this time. I am the happiest girl in the world!"

Selena upload photos black and white mother and stepfather through Twitter account, November 25. In the photo, Selena looked heavily pregnant mother and her husband at her side.

Selena's parents divorced when he was five years old. His mother then married a man named Brian Teefy in 2006. So the baby is their first child.

Recently, Selena themselves are involved in the comedy genre film, "The Muppets", where he served as a cameo in the film. He also just released his latest music video, "Hit The Lights".


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